Caribbean Shampoo 300ml/ 10.58fl oz - SULFATE FREE - It provides vitam – Ranbass Distributor
Caribbean Shampoo 300ml/ 10.58fl oz - SULFATE FREE - It provides vitamins and fatty acids that nourish and give health, shine and strength. Replenish the hair mass, ideal for after bleaching, keratin and botox.

Caribbean Shampoo 300ml/ 10.58fl oz - SULFATE FREE - It provides vitamins and fatty acids that nourish and give health, shine and strength. Replenish the hair mass, ideal for after bleaching, keratin and botox.

Ranbass Distributor

  • 1,027.00 ฿
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It provides vitamins and fatty acids that nourish and give health, shine and strength beyond favoring the cleaning of the hair and scalp without damaging them.

Results: provides health, shine and resistance. Cleanses hair and scalp without damaging them. Detangling effect.

Active ingredients: palm oil, sericin, creatine and hyaluronic acid.



Aporta vitaminas y ácidos grasos que nutren y dan salud, brillo y fuerza más allá de favorece la limpieza del cabello y cuero cabelludo sin dañarlos.

Resultados: aporta salud, brillo y resistencia. Limpia el cabello y el cuero cabelludo sin dañarlos. Efecto desenredante.

Principios activos: aceite de palma, sericina, creatina y ácido hialurónico.

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